Monday, 13 January 2020

Cities in the Middle Ages and more (2º ESO BC)

1.-Medieval guilds

 2.- Gothic versus Romanesque  
Questions about this video:
 1) Where did Gothic style originated?
2) What is revolucionary about Gothic?
3) In the video it is mentioned a date (Second sunday of June, 1144) What happened that day?
 4) According to the video, what are the advantages of using pointed arch instead of roun or semicircular arches?

3.- The Black Death
Answer the questions about the video:
 1) When did the Black Death happen?
 2) How many people died due to this plague?
 3) What animals carried the plague and how?
4) How long did the Plague take to get to Crimea Peninsula in the Black Sea?
5) How did the Plague enter Europe?
 6) How long did the Black Death take to spread throughout Sicily? 
7) How did the priest describe the Plague? 8) Explain how people reacted to the Black Death.
9) Complete the sentence: Most people believed that the plague was literally ________ on ________.
10) What did people do with the corpses of the dead?

 To know more about the Black Death: C

Friday, 10 January 2020

Industrial Revolution

 1.- What previous changes affected the development of the Industrial Revolution?
 2.- What consequences did the Industrial Revolution have on the distribution of the population throughout Great Britain?
3.- Which were the biggest cities?
4.- Why do historians think that the Industrial Revolution developed before (and better) in Great Britain than in mainland Europe?
5.- Which other countries started their own industrialisation later? Here you have a brand new kahoot that I´ve created just for you! I hope you enjoy it!
Kahoot Industrial Revolution

Thursday, 26 December 2019

Concurso Empecinados

Buenos días! Os dejo el código QR del concurso Empecinados que los profesores Rubén Cob y Eduardo Villamor, de los departamentos de Lengua y Geografía respectivamente llevan realizando varios años. Animáos!